Don’t Let Your Joints Deteriorate;
Regenerate with Viscosupplementation!

Maybe you have seen a physical therapist to keep your Osteoarthritis symptoms at bay and maintain mobility. But no matter how hard you work at your exercises, physical therapy does little to address one of the root problem of Osteoarthritis: joint degeneration due to a loss of synovial fluid in the joints.

A proper amount of synovial fluid in the joints is crucial to joint health because it lubricates the joints, fills space in the joints, and absorbs shock. Therefore, a lack of this fluid results in friction, which may cause joints to become dry, rigid, and immobile. If the joint absorbs the shock that should be absorbed by the fluid, joint health will only continue to deteriorate due to degeneration of the articular cartilage, as is all too common in the case of Osteoarthritis.

What if there was a way to restore joint function by supplementing the synovial fluid in the joints? Now there is—right here in Lake Forest California! At South OC Physical Medicine and Chiropractic, we provide the highest quality Viscosupplementation Joint Therapy Injections available.

What is Viscosupplementation?
Viscosupplementation is a non-invasive injection of Hyaluronic acid into the affected joint(s). Hyaluronic acid is naturally produced by a healthy body, and is the main component of the synovial fluid shield in joints. As some people age, their bodies produce less Hyaluronic acid, leading to a decrease in synovial fluid. By supplementing the body’s natural processes through Viscosupplementation, we can decrease pain and restore normal, healthy joint function naturally!

Why choose Viscosupplementation?
Many studies show that Viscosupplementation is more effective than prescription medications or commonly prescribed Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) with less side-effects. All too often, people with Osteoarthritis take NSAIDs like Advil or Aleve on a daily basis, perhaps even multiple times per day, to manage the pain. But NSAIDs are proven to wear away at the stomach lining, causing ulcers and leaky gut. These conditions can lead to further complications and disease without addressing the underlying problem.

Another common treatment for Osteoarthritis is steroidal injections, but these can cause serious, scary side effects like hormonal imbalance, lowered immunity, and even liver damage. And many people achieve greater relief and mobility from Viscosupplementation than steroids!

Viscosupplementation is a great way to receive the same (or greater) pain relieving and inflammation reducing benefits of NSAIDs and steroids, without the potential risks and complications. In fact, Viscosupplementation slows the degenerative process and can provide relief for well over 3 months (maybe even a full year)! You can’t say that about many of the other osteoarthritis treatments available today!

What is the procedure?
If you have tried and failed other nonsurgical methods to relieve the pain associated with Osteoarthritis, it may be time to try South OC Physical Medicine’s Viscosupplementation therapy.

During this non-invasive procedure, a well-trained healthcare professional will walk you through the procedure, taking time to answer your questions. After all of your questions are answered and you feel comfortable with the treatment. If there is excess fluid in the joint, the specialist will drain (aspirate) it before the injection.

If you experience any pain, warmth, or swelling after the injection, you can apply an ice pack to the area. If possible, you should let the joint rest for 48 hours after treatment. It may take a few weeks to feel the full effect of the injection, but some patients report immediate benefits.

The injection can be done in less than half an hour, and you will be on your way to feeling better and living a fuller, active and more mobile life.

What are the risks?
There are very few risks associated with Viscosupplementation. Sterilization procedures guard against needle contamination. This is a safe, minimally invasive procedure that helps your body produce a necessary substance that has suffered from decreased production with age. It is a great treatment for Osteoarthritis sufferers and a better option than long term medication intake that can damage the liver, kidneys and stomach.

Is it effective?
Do not wait until your Osteoarthritis worsens to try Viscosupplementation. It is most effective for those who are in the early stages of Osteoarthritis. Viscosupplementation has been most widely studied and used in the treatment of knee pain, but it can also help with hip Osteoarthritis as well.

In studies, people show an average improvement in pain of 11 to 54 percent, and an improvement in function of 9 to 15 percent, similar to the effects of NSAIDs—without the possible side effects.

Is Viscosupplementation right for me?
If you suffer from Osteoarthritis, a common cause of joint degeneration and chronic pain, you are a candidate for Viscosupplementation. With this treatment, you can avoid the possible side effects associated with NSAIDs and steroids all while addressing the source of the problem directly. An injection of Hyaluronic acid straight into the joint helps restore depleted synovial fluid, taking the pressure off of your tired, achy joints.

South OC Physical Medicine and Chiropractic’s Viscosupplementation naturally restores movement so that you can have the quality of life you imagine. Stop cursing OA and start doing something about it.