Fight Disc Herniations and Degeneration with Spinal Decompression Therapy

Everyday your spine works hard to fight the downward forces of gravity. Then add daily activities such as lifting, bending, reaching, twisting, etc. and it is no surprise over 90% of Americans will experience back pain at some point in their life. The spine is an amazing structure that not only provides stability and movement but most importantly it houses the delicate structures of the nervous system to allow proper transmission of neurological signals to keep you healthy. Over time all this activity takes a toll on the discs of the spine. Eventually this can lead to low-back, mid-back, or neck pain resulting from bulging, herniated, or degenerating discs.

With increased sedentary lifestyle factors such as sitting for long periods at work or watching TV at home, low back problems are reaching near endemic rates in America. To fight the effects of the downward force of gravity and poor posture, people have been using rudimentary spinal decompression techniques for thousands of years, pictures of which can be seen in ancient Roman ruins. As technology has advanced, these techniques have become much more effective, safer and easier to use. South OC Physical Medicine and Chiropractic has the best Spinal Decompression Therapies available.

Before you try back pain exercises or stretches for lower back pain relief, try Spinal Decompression Therapy. This is especially effective if you suffer from a spinal disc injury or degeneration. Spinal Decompression Therapy combined with K Laser therapy is one of the best remedies available today for degenerative disc disease, bulges or herniations.

What is Spinal Decompression Therapy?
Your spinal discs have a consistency of wet leather. They are very durable and initially are composed of 80% water. Overtime the discs lose water content due to constant forces from gravity and activity. This causes the disc to thin and become more fragile and brittle. The dehydration of the disc leaves it susceptible to injury, especially bulging or herniations which can cause direct pressure on spinal nerves leading to sciatica or radicular symptoms. If you or someone you know is having pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness in their legs or arms then there is a very high chance they have a disc injury compressing their spinal nerves. The fundamental goal of Spinal Decompression Therapy is to relieve pain, tingling, numbness or weakness by removing the pressure on the nerves of the spine by creating spacethrough decompressing the spinal disc and allowing absorption of fluid into the disc by a mechanism known as imbibition. This allows the disc and nerve to heal because it rehydrates the disc, leading to more space for the nerve as it comes out of the intervertebral foramina of the spine and it can permanently decrease the size of the disc bulge or herniation. This spacing and regeneration of the disc restores range of motion in the spine and normal biomechanics to get people feeling well and back to activity.

Depending on the severity of your spinal injury, you may need 5 to 24 sessions of spinal decompression before you have achieved full and lasting recovery. People with mild disc problems will likely begin to experience symptom relief after the first few treatments.

What are the Benefits of Spinal Decompression Therapy?
Because spinal disc compression which irritates the nerve causes majority of sciatica, leg numbness and radiating arm pain syndromes, decompression therapy is an amazing treatment solution for many Americans. Spinal decompression therapy not only creates more space for the spinal discs, but it can also help prevent pinched nerves in the future.

While surgeons or doctors not up to date with current research guidelines may recommend surgery as the first option to relieve disc degeneration and nerve compression, Spinal Decompression Therapy is a non-invasive, non-surgical procedure that can be just as effective if not even more effective than surgical intervention that comes without the dangerous side effects and long recovery process.

Spinal Decompression Therapy creates space to allow blood, oxygen, and nutrients to flow into the injured areas of the spine helping them to heal. This blood flow and increased nutrient uptake by the disc through imbibition is vital to achieving healing and pain relief for those suffering from a spinal disc injury.

How is new spinal decompression technology different from earlier versions?
Whereas rudimentary spinal decompression techniques applied constant traction to the spine, newer technology does not. Constant traction can inadvertently cause muscles to tighten or spasm, leading to a worsening of symptoms. But new technology avoids this problem by altering the amount of traction applied to the spine through an algorithm that stretches then relaxes the spine leading to a gentle pumping motion of the disc to increase fluid and nutrient absorption.

What parts of the spine does Spinal Decompression Therapy target?
Spinal Decompression Therapy can decompress the lumbar discs in the low back, thoracic discs in the mid-back, and cervical discs in the neck, helping to alleviate pain in the spine from top to bottom.

Is it effective?
If you are a qualified candidate for Spinal Decompression Therapy (as determined during a free consultation), you will likely experience remarkable results. In fact, Dr. John Leslie of the Mayo Clinic authored a study which touted an 88.9 percent reduction in pain scores following a six week period of Spinal Decompression therapy. This level of success is virtually unheard of in any other treatment modality for spinal injuries.

Are there any risks?
Because Spinal Decompression Therapy is non-invasive, there are very few risks. At South OC Physical Medicine and Chiropractic, you will be under the care of a doctor who will ensure that the spinal decompression therapy is at the right level for your individual needs and pathology to ensure the treatment is effective.

Is Spinal Decompression Therapy right for me?
If you have back pain, neck pain, or radiating arm or leg pain, look to Spinal Decompression Therapy for help. Not only is it cheaper and less invasive than costly surgeries with dangerous side effects, it is extremely effective.

At South OC Physical Medicine and Chiropractic, we will work with you to create an individualized treatment plan that will relieve your pain, numbness, weakness or tingling. This plan may feature Spinal Decompression Therapy, physical therapy, chiropractic or K Laser Therapy depending on your specific needs.

Don’t allow your spine to continue being damaged and lose the fight against gravitational forces which could lead to dangerous surgeries down the road. It is time to take care of yourself and your spine with Spinal Decompression Therapy from South OC Physical Medicine and Chiropractic.