Let A Healthcare Professional Show You Proven Medical Weight Loss Plans for Long Term Success?
Are you tired of counting calories, avoiding pizza parties, and spending hours on the elliptical or treadmill? Have you tried everything but can’t seem to lose weight? If so, you are not alone. Majority of Americans want to lose weight, but most are confused on the best way to achieve this goal—and for good reason. All of the gimmicks and conflicting information out there will make your head spin! Every night you are bombarded with commercials that claim to have a magical product to make the pounds melt off.
But what if you could partner with a doctor who would recommend and implement evidence-based treatments after taking into account your individual needs? You can! You may be surprised to learn that South OC Physical Medicine and Chiropractic offers a medical weight loss program.
Our doctors and healthcare staff are well-trained in the latest, cutting-edge weight loss research and programs available. And the best part? You don’t have to spend a fortune to fly to a weight loss resort and starve yourself. Medical weight-loss is available right here in Orange County California!

What is medical weight loss?
The term “medical weight loss” may sound daunting, but there are no surgeries or hormone injections involved when it comes to our office. Instead, a South OC clinician will thoroughly explain proven treatment methods and help you decide on the best course of action for your individual needs. Weight gain comes down to once simple equation. Calories are energy and if you consume more energy in the form of food than you use, then your body stores that energy as fat. As we age our bodies’ metabolism slows down, thus eating the same amount of food you did 5 years ago can now cause weight-gain when it was never a problem in the past.
The main intervention will focus on lifestyle change, nutrition and proper exercise. While examining if medical intervention or techniques should be used to accelerate your metabolism and jumpstart your path to weight loss. No, you will not need to suffer through another restrictive diet. Throw out the low fat foods, they are packed with high fructose corn syrup and other preservatives. Ditch the chemical artificial sweeteners they are causing you to retain weight and should have no place in your diet. We focus on eating REAL FOOD. Our program focuses on consuming more fat and less grains with lifestyle change, not crash diets that eat way at muscle and lead to more future weight gain. By replacing junk food with healthy options you will not be starving yourself but rather making better decisions that become future health habits.
This is not only beneficial to your hips but also your brain because it reduces you risk of Alzheimer’s disease, depression, Parkinson’s disease, anxiety and numerous other diseases. Just look at all the research collected on this topic by Dr Perlmutter MD in his book, “Grain Brain.” You will finally learn what foods work with your body to facilitate weight loss and optimal health. While possibly looking at any food allergies that could be causing weight gain, low-energy and indigestion You will be able to feel full while losing weight!
In addition, doctors who specialize in medical weight loss will help you discover which type of exercise is best for your body type. Other proven, integrative therapeutic options are considered as well. There are no limits to your weight loss when you partner with a South OC Physical Medicine doctors who tailor programs to your individual needs.

Be Proactive, Not Reactive
Being overweight and obese can lead to a myriad of health problems in the future. Medical weight loss takes a proactive approach to health, rather than the reactive approach of other programs. Many people may not know this but Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers make 80% of their money on return clients. This is because the programs are formed around restrictive eating. If you get on a diet then at some point you need to get off. This is what they bank on and keeps their clients coming back and leading to dismal long-term success rates. At South OC Physical Medicine and Chiropractic, we believe that learning to manage and control weight now will cultivate health and increase longevity down the road.
Isn’t it time to prioritize your health today? You either make http://healthsavy.com/product/ventolin/ time for health and wellness now or unfortunately you will be forced to make time for sickness and disease down the road which is costly, time consuming and in certain cases leads to irreversible damage to your body.
You are an individual, not a statistic
Our medical weight loss staff views you as an individual—not a statistic. We understand that you have a unique personal health fingerprint, made up of your specific lifestyle, stress level, genetics, allergies and diet. No weight loss program is complete without first and foremost taking your health fingerprint and specific healthcare needs into consideration.
But how do we know what treatment methods will work best for you? In other words, how do you know that this isn’t just another gimmick that sounds too good to be true? We base our weight loss intervention recommendation on cutting-edge research which looks at sugar addiction, food allergies, familial genetics and epigenetic factors.
While most research studies examine large groups of people and calculate an “average” result for all people, if you look closely, these same studies often give results based on demographic and lifestyle factors (i.e., women versus men, old versus young, active versus sedentary, smoker versus nonsmoker). Many healthcare professionals only look at the average result for all people, but we take the time to examine these studies closely to understand how specific lifestyle factors and demographic information will influence weight loss treatments specifically for you. Are you diabetic, have heart problems, suffer from metabolic syndrome, have sleep apnea, suffer from depression, etc. These will all have an impact on your health and the specific weight loss program chosen for you.

Medical Weight Loss in Practice
How exactly does medical weight loss work in clinical practice?
First, we take a comprehensive health history, lifestyle inventory, and family history so that we know your particular case inside and out. We also use state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment to identify your metabolic rate and other important physiological markers so we can objectively measure your success.
Then, combining our comprehensive knowledge of cutting-edge research with all that we learn about your health fingerprint, we determine the best course of action for you.
At no other weight loss program will you find such a commitment to an evidence-based, personalized approach to weight loss.
For example, a 40 year old woman who has been struggling with weight her entire life may not be able to exercise due to knee pain. The weight gain coupled with constant pain causes depression. The patient eats high caloric comfort foods which helps with the depression, yet now she is trapped in a vicious cycle of weight gain.
She can’t exercise due to knee pain, so she eats gaining more weight which only makes the knee pain worse causing her depression and weight to spiral out of control. This is where medical intervention comes in. South OC Medical doctors can accurately diagnose the cause of her knee pain to determine the best course of care. If it is arthritis, meniscus tear, ACL tear, a patellar femoral pain syndrome, etc our doctors know the best way to treat it. For example, we can refer her to our physical therapist who can work on rehabilitation of the knee to get the patient moving and active again. If the patient is obese then medications can be prescribed to assist in weight loss and appetite suppression to jump start the weight loss process. This allows the patient to start more healthy lifestyle activities asap, without pain. This leads to the resolution of depression which in turns stops her binge eating caused by negative feelings and a low sense of self-worth.
Is Medical Weight Loss Effective?
Now the defining moment—can we say without a doubt that medical weight loss is more likely to lead to weight loss than self-managed diet regimens? Yes! Medical weight loss programs have been shown to have a much greater rate of success than simply going at it alone. It takes the frustration out of weight loss by giving you the path and information you need to lose weight while offering a supportive team to attentively listen to your needs and provide support along the way.
The Bottom Line
If you have tried and failed at diet and exercise regimens multiple times and feel like giving up—don’t!Medical weight loss is not just another diet and exercise regimen. Instead, it is a new, challenging, and exciting approach to getting your life back—which is backed by research and evidence.
Medical weight loss may be exactly what you have needed all along, and now it’s offered right here in Lake Forest California, at South OC Physical Medicine.