Stimulate Healing At the Speed Of Light With K Laser Therapy
Have you tried physical therapy or acupuncture in Orange county, but you still are in pain or suffering from an injury? Physical therapy and acupuncture help to restore healthy energy flow and muscle movements, but as we age cells turn over slower causing a slower healing process. This may cause pain to continue even after treatment due to a consistent return of irritation and inflammation to the affected tissues. What if we could not only speed up the healing process but also increase cellular reproduction to bring in new health cells to damaged areas.This is possible with the K Laser Therapy treatment offered by South OC Physical Medicine and Chiropractic.

K Laser Therapy (also known as Class 4 Laser Therapy and photobiomodulation) treats all of the following:

  • Acute injury like a strain or sprain
  • Chronic issue like arthritis
  • Traumatic injury from a car accident or fall
  • Repetitive use injury such as a stress fracture from running or carpal tunnel syndrome from writing

What is K Laser Therapy?
In the 1970s, researchers noticed that low beam lasers could heal superficial wounds. Specifically, Class 3a lasers (with a maximum of 5 milliwatts of power) manifest a red wavelength that only penetrates the superficial layers of the skin—which is perfect for skin injuries.

But researchers began to wonder what higher beam lasers that are brighter, more colorful, and deeply penetrating could accomplish inside the body. Specifically, Class 3b lasers are a maximum of 500 milliwatts, and a Class 4 laser is anything over 500 milliwatts. Class 4 lasers have proven to be the most effective in the treatment of chronic and acute internal pathologies and problems.

During K Laser therapy, a Class 4 laser is applied to the outer layer of the skin over the injured area for about five to ten minutes. It is a simple, non-invasive, but highly effective procedure with little known side-effects.

How does it work?
K laser therapy uses light energy to stimulate cells for faster and more complete healing of chronic and acute injuries reducing inflammation and pain through non-invasive treatment procedures. It does this by:

  • Enhancing microcirculation—causing an increased number of red blood cells to flow to the area. This is on a much larger scale than the effects of applying a hot pack to the area because a class 4 laser can help with tissues much deeper than you would get from just using heat on top of the skin.
  • Augmenting lymphatic flow—triggering the elimination of waste from the area. Often scar tissue will become stagnant and trapped in the area, preventing the total restoration of the injury. But K Laser therapy boosts lymphatic flow to ensure that scar tissue can be broken down and cleared out by macrophages in the body.
  • Increasing oxygenation of tissue—oxygen is the key ingredient to healing because it is the basis of all metabolic processes in the body. K Laser therapy encourages hemoglobin to bring oxygen to the injured area and speed up the healing process.
  • Improving mitochondrial function—K Laser therapy increases the production of cytochrome oxidase enzyme, which leads to more ATP (or energy) for the receptive injured cells. While healthy cells do not need more ATP, injured cells do. This increase in cellular metabolism allows the body to heal and maintain homeostasis.

What is the procedure?
A well-trained practitioner will glide the laser along the injured area for a total of 5-10 minutes. You should not notice any feelings of discomfort. Depending on the severity of the injury, you may need a series of treatments. K Laser therapy has a compounding effect, so future treatments will build on your initial treatment.

You may or may not notice a change in the injury after the first visit, because most of what is happening is below the surface, invisible to the naked eye.

Is K Laser Therapy effective?
Yes. Studies have shown that K Laser Therapy is an effective treatment method for wound repair, osteoarthritis of the knee, and many other acute and chronic issues.

Are there any risks?
No. K Laser therapy is not only effective, it is extremely safe.

What else should I know about K Laser Therapy?
K Laser Therapy is best used in combination with other treatments, such as physical therapy, massage, stem cell therapy, spinal decompression therapy, PRP, and chiropractic care. These therapies work together to ensure a speedy and full recovery. South OC Physical Medicine and Chiropractic is your one stop shop in Lake Forest California for all of these effective treatment modalities.

Is K Laser Therapy right for me?

If you have any acute or chronic injury and want to know if K Laser therapy is right for you call (949)470-4757 for your free consultation! Come in to South OC Physical Medicine and Chiropractic today, and let the healing cascade of K Laser therapy help you today!